by Allan | Aug 9, 2015 | 2015 Mountaintop PV Adventure
Lots of photos today! Clicking on each will enlarge it. It rained during the evening and night. I stayed dry, but made no contact with others camping nearby due to the rain. I was slow to get out in the morning, but the climb up 800′ of switchbacks proved easy. And...
by Allan | Aug 9, 2015 | 2015 Mountaintop PV Adventure
Today was my first day shared with the John Muir Trail/Pacific Crest Trail community, backpackers who get to know each other over the days and weeks. I don’t count, of course, as I’m just in for a short loop, but I pas many more foot travelers in this section. Some...
by Allan | Aug 8, 2015 | 2015 Mountaintop PV Adventure
On paper it was all downhill today, for about 11 miles. I made my day’s goal, which was to reach the junction with the John Muir Trail, which is also part ofthe Pacific Crest Trail. The JMT starts in Yosemite Valley, climbs to Tuolumne Meadows and then heads south...
by Allan | Aug 8, 2015 | 2015 Mountaintop PV Adventure
I had planned to play this summer, as well as work, and I had brought my backpacking gear. As we have been waiting for the PV hardware to arrive, Jeremiah suggested that this would be a good time to take a week off. I asked him for a suggestion of a good backpacking...
by Allan | Jul 29, 2015 | 2015 Mountaintop PV Adventure
Readers of my bicycle tour blog last year may remember my entries about Jamie Ramsay, the 34-year-old Brit who was running from Vancouver BC to Buenos Aires, Argentina. His unsupported mileage was typically a marathon or so a day, pushing a jogging stroller with the...
by Allan | Jul 29, 2015 | 2015 Mountaintop PV Adventure
We’re now at the stage where we have ordered most of the solar equipment that’s to be installed, and are waiting for it to arrive. So the time is right for me to take some play time, as August is likely to be a time of focus on the installation of the PV systems....