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Beginning the Ride Down Coast Highway One

Today was a ride to remember: 44 miles, starting at the northern terminus of Highway One, California’s Pacific Coast Highway. I have more to add to the previous long and wandering post, some of it already written and waiting for upload, but this just needs to be...

Paying my Respects in the Emerald Triangle

  Michael welch is the longtime Senior Editor of Home Power magazine, and the moderator of the RE-Wrenches email technical forum for solar installers, a group in which I have been active for fourteen years. He is also a man with whom I  have found an easy and genuine...

The Inherent Risk

  I stopped to pay my respects at this roadside “ghost bike” descanso (New Mexican for a roadside memorial where someone died) along Highway 101, just north of the state park. My assumption is that John Mello died cycling along this section of highway, most likely hit...

Ridin’ and Runnin’ Stories

  Evening of the same day… Let’s see, it’s Saturday, September 13th, 2014. Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, between Crescent City and Arcata. 36 miles today, that included one climb of 1,200′ and one lesser climb, plus numerous smaller hills. This was my...

A Side Story: Paul Schot of The Netherlands

I received this message from Paul Schot today: Hi Allan, Great to read your blog! This alternative route looks wonderful. Pity your bike is letting you down but very loyal to keep it and continue bouncing . Didn’t you once ride down this coast on a bike with a dog in...

Wednesday 9/10, Still in Oregon

Tomorrow, September 11, has long represented an important anniversary for me. This day thirteen years ago was the first installation day of the first batteryless residential grid-tied PV system, the system type that is now mainstream dominant in the U.S. We were on a...